Did you know that Nikola Tesla – inventor, physicist, and futurist – known for his contributions to the design of the alternating current (AC) electricity supply system…
Had a hand in one of the US Army’s top secret projects dubbed “Project Jedi”?
Tesla’s genius intellect led him to countless discoveries and inventions such as the electric motor, the laser, and wireless communication…
But his most important accomplishment has to be cracking the code of the human mind.
Learn more about it over here…
It led to the US Army exploring ways of using the power of the human mind for military applications.
Namely… to KILL.
Back in the 1980s, the Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina had Green Berets study “paranormal powers” as part of “Project Jedi”…
Where they were taught complete mastery of the human mind, such that…
They could be warm when everyone else was freezing cold…
And manage their body to regulate breathing and heart rate while running up a really long hill…
Check out this FREE presentation that explores other amazing feats you can accomplish with this…
But the most incredible demonstration of such power was when a hand-to-hand combat instructor by the name of Mike Echanis…
KILLED a goat using the sheer power of his mind.
As First Sergeant Glenn Wheaton recalls, “Michael focused on the goat pretty intensely. It started to bray like a donkey or horse. It dropped down to its forelegs; blood began to drop from its nose.”
About 20 to 30 seconds later red suds began to froth from the goat’s mouth. The goat lost its equilibrium and passed away in a fit.”
While the US Army tried to explore Echanis’ ability further and replicate his astounding results…
They couldn’t quite accomplish their goal of weaponizing the human mind in such a manner. Project Jedi was eventually shut down in the mid-1990s.
You see, while it’s true that the human mind has near limitless power…
It was never meant for ill intent.
When used for good, the mind is capable of accomplishing incredible feats, such as…
Defying aging…
Overcoming chronic illnesses…
And manifesting realities never thought possible.