Meditation can be used for many things. It can clear your mind. It can cleanse your soul. It can get rid of the bad toxins in your soul. Meditations are used by many people for many reasons. Companies actually pay professionals to help their employees as a refresher to get them motivated and moving in […]
Seriously… what the heck is ‘Eastern Key’??
Hi, This is weird. You really need to see this: Check It Out Here It’s about how an ordinary guy who spent the last many years looking for ways to rebuild his life. And he found it in the most unlikely place on Earth… He didn’t find it in self-help books. He didn’t find it […]
Confidence And Self Confidence (Great Article by Richard Mackenzie – clinical hypnotherapist)
Do you shy away when you wish that you could join in? Do you feel that sometimes you are just not good enough to achieve something? Are you always putting yourself down? Well if so then you may have an issue with your confidence. Low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence is something that affects […]
Think you haven’t hit your true potential yet? Wanna Hear from Bruce Lee?
Do you feel “unfulfilled” in life… … with adventures, projects and goals you still want to accomplish? It’s nothing to be ashamed about. You’re not the only one who thinks they haven’t hit their full potential yet. Ask yourself, “What is holding me back from manifesting the life I truly desire?” […]
[Free Gift] Eastern Scrolls – $47 value
If you remember my life story I shared before about how I became Kung Fu master, you will understand why I am crazy excited about what I am going to share with you in the next few days. Today I have a special Gift I’d like to share with you… It’s called The Eastern Scrolls! […]
Lift Your Morning Mood!
Hello, Quickly watch this 15 Min. video. It helps you to lift your mood in the morning. It’s FREE again and helpful. Watch it from here. Talk to you soon, Amir
Short morning practice of Gratitude, FREE video!
In Calgary, summer is finally giving up and we started the week with a snowstorm and freeze which is cool, I like winter and snow as well. I found this great short video that helps to practice a sense of positivity and gratitude on a daily basis. It guides you, meditates you on how to […]
I am not going to give up, NEVER!
One of my businesses (the main one in fact) is a company I established almost 1.5 years ago and its main product is a management system software. After 1.5 years of work with a partner when the production was almost ready to sale, I got some unpredictable issues with the IT partner. Long story short, […]
This is Goodbye!
How is your week started? This is my last email for this. So Goodbye to this program! Watch this moment of the movie Matrix and the program offered after that. It is talking a lot more in depth about that sentence the little monk boy says and how this fact can/will change your life. Now, […]